
Showing posts from April, 2012

Ninja Saga ATM XP and ATM Gold New 30 April 2012

Ninja Saga ATM XP and ATM Gold New Update On 30 April 2012. This time you do not need to enter a password to use this cheat. To use this cheat, please read the steps below: Tools: Fiddler2: Click Here To Download ( Free Download ) SWF Ninja Saga ATM XP and Gold New: Click here to Download ( in Mediafire, not via ) - Password to Download this file is: (Copy and paste Password to notepad then Copy and Paste Password in notpad to Mediafire) Google Chrome or Mozilla Firefox Steps: Download and Instal Fiddler2 Login to your Facebook Login Ninja Saga and Play (but do not go into Headquarters) Open Fiddler and Click the Tab autoresponder (who is his lightning green icon) Check the "Enable automatic responses" and also "Permit passthrough for unmatched requests" Drop it. "ninja_association.swf" file that you extract earlier to the column Autoresponder After that, clear cache at the beginning of time Then, Go to H...

Pasang Iklan (Advertise Here)

Pasang iklan anda di Blog Ini Paket iklan yang tersedia untuk sementara: 460x60 Dibawah comment blog: Dengan harga Rp 100.000 per bulan 728x90 Samping title blog: Harga Rp 300.000 per Bulan Penjelasan : iklan anda akan di pasang di sidebar dan akan terlihat di semua halaman dan akan di do-followkan. Pembayaran melalui Bank BCA Untuk info lebih lanjut mengenai sistem pembayaran silahkan hubungi: Hp: 081329190841 atau email: Aturan untuk pemasangan iklan: Iklan yang dipasang tidak mengandung PORNOGRAFI dan SARA. Setelah masa waktu yang ditentukan habis dan Pemasang Iklan tidak melakukan pembayaran, maka secara otomatis iklan di Nonaktifkan dan jika Pemasang Iklan ingin mengaktifkan kembali harus melakukan pendaftaran ulang. Setiap pemasang iklan harus mematuhi aturan yang ditetapkan.

Soul Crash Hack Enchant Stones and Energy With Charles

Soul Crash Hack Enchant Stones and Energy Tools: Charles Proxy Browser In this hack, there are two stages of each sequence. Hack for Enchant Stones Download Soul Crash Enchant Stone Energy Cheats VERSION 2 then Hack Quest XML file (Hack this function to activate the Enchant Stone+Energy Cheat quest). Click here download Soul Crash Cheats Tutorial for Hack for Enchant Stones you can see in this video: While for Hack Quest XML file you can see in this video:

Ninja Saga Hack Recruit a Friend Level is Higher with CE

This Hack is a function to: You can recruit friends on Higher Level than yours (very useful in exams and bosses) You can buy Healing Scrolls and Clothes in Shop that are on a higher level (Note: NOT WEAPONS or you will get error) Not Permanet Hack Tools Requrement: Cheat Engine: Click Here To Download Cheat Engine [ Free Download ] Firefox or Crome Steps: Open CE Select your browser from the process list Scan your Gold (If you get more than one values then go to shop -> buy or sell anything -> goto CE -> write your new gold value & Next Scan) Double Click on the address to enter it in the editing box Now Right Click on the address: Change Address -> Add +4-20 at the end of the address (e.g if the address is XXXXXXXX then change it to XXXXXXXX+4-20) Now the value of the address will change into the value of your current level : Change the value to 80 Now: Go to Recruit Friends to recruit level 80 friends Go to Shop to buy level 80...

Ninja Saga Hack Tensai Special Jounin Hack

Ninja Saga Tensai Special Jounin is not over! Although Ninja Saga is to remoe the exam, you still could be a Tensai Special Jounin with the help of this Hack. Run the commend below and you will be a Tensai Special Jounin. If you wont other Ninja Saga Hack please click HERE or Ninja Saga Complete Hack Tools needed to become a Ninja Saga Tensai Specian Jounin Ninja Saga Swf file hack: Click Here to Download Fiddler2: Click Here To Download Fiddler2 [free download] Firefox or Chrome The Steps that must be done: Download and Instal Fiddler2 Login Facebook Open Ninja Saga Open Fiddler2 and Click "Autoresponder tab" (which his lightning green icon) Then tick ​​the box "Enable automatic responses" and also "Permit passthrough for Unmatched request" Drag and Drop Swf into "Column Autoresponder" Clear chace in browser Reload Ninja Saga then go to the talent, and running exam mission Tensai ( this is Instant Mission ) then done...

Soul Crash Hack Cash

To day i have two tutorial explain about Soul Crash Hack, the first Soul Crash Energy Hack and the second Soul Crash Weapon Hack. Yesterday i also had to explain about Soul Crash Item Hack Permanent With Charles. To the point! The Third Soul Crash hack tutorial in this day is  Soul Crash Hack Cash . Soul Crash Hack Cash Tools requirement: Charles Proxy: Click Here To Download Charles Firefox or Google Chrome Notes: If the charles doesn’t show the money   tab go to your facebook privacy setting > security > secure browsing and uncheck the ‘Browse Facebook on a secure connection (https) when possible’ > SAVE This is not permanent   but it allows you to buy the CASH item permanently. Steps: Download and Instal Charles Proxy Open Charles Proxy (In Soul Crash) Go to Shop VIP Then, in charles expand " http://sc.gaiainteractivegames" Right click the money and select " breakpoint " Click the Cash Item that what you want. ...

Soul Crash Weapon Hack

This continued from the previous Hack Soul Crash . In the previous tutorial about Hack Soul Crash i've explained how to hack Soul Crash, this is: Soul Crash Energy Hack and Soul Crash Item Hack Permanent With Charles . While this tutorial, i will explain how to Hack Soul Crash Weapon Equpment . In a previous hack the equipment used is Charles Proxy and Ceat Engine , this time the equipment is being used is Fiddle r2. Soul Crash Weapons/ Equipments Cheat.  Will give you Onyx Dragon sword +999999 and Onyx Dragon Set. Tools Requirement: Fiddler: Click Here to Download Fiddler Cheat Fiddler: Click Here To Download Cheat File Firefox or Crome Steps Download the Cheat File above Open Fiddler2 Go to AutoResponder, check 2 boxes: Enable automatic responses and Unmatched request passthrough Extract the Cheat File and Drag the two files from the Zip file into the white space under the auto   responder settings. Start your web browser and Clear your ...

Soul Crash Energy Hack

In previous articles about the Soul Crash, i've shown how to Hack Soul Crash Permanent Item . To day i will show how to Hack Soul Crash: Energies . How to hack Soul Crash Energies: Tools Requirements: Cheat Engine: Click Here To Download CE Firefox or Crome Note: When you do this cheat there is a possible chance you may crash and end up with   negative with the energy cheat. Meaning you would have to wait untill you   reach 6 energy before you can even use it again. If you can't understand the instructions below this trick is not for you. The steps that you should do: Open Cheat Engine,  Process Firefox ( plugin-container.exe ), if you use google   chrome select ( chrome.exe after rundll32 ) Type in your current energy in the value (You must have at least 9 Energy) Press Scan Play Soul Crash and Battle Type in your new energy number and Press next scan Battle Type in your new energy number again There should only be one left in the addr...

Monster Galaxy Cheat Link Capture Moga PVP

Cheat pvp atau mencopy monster lawan, Linknya seperti ini: Cara Kerjanya: Pertama buka FB tetangga, & Copy Paste ID FB nya ke alamat ini: (Contoh): Masuk ke link ini: (Contoh) dan hasilnya akan terlihat seperti dibawah ini: "id": "100002178704548", "name": "Ryan Aries Amaterasu", "first_name": "Ryan", "middle_name": "Aries", "last_name": "Amaterasu", "gender": "male", "locale": "id_ID" } Langkah selanjutnya: Untuk mencari battle ID , Anda hanya tinggal mengubah ID tman anda yang ingin anda lawan: - 1000...

Soul Crash Item Hack Permanent With Charles

Soul Crash Item Hack Permanent Tools: Charles Proxy: Download Here Firefox or Chrome For tutorial and how to work with pictures, you can see HERE or Download Tutorial with Image Steps: Go to Soul Crash Open Charles Proxy Debugger Go to Shop >> VIP In Charles expand >> Right click the money and set breakpoints then Click the Cash Item what you want... I choose Lightning Spike  Go to charles and the breakpoint tab for money will pop out. Execute 1 time Click Edit Response >> XML Text. Change the <CASH>??</CASH> to <CASH>20000</CASH>.  Put as much as you want. This is NOT permanent but it allows you to buy the CASH item PERMANENTLY Now hit buy. The game will get an error. Don’t refresh yet In charles expand >> Right click the “buy_item” and set breakpoints Remove the breakpoint for the “money” and you can refresh the game now...

Ninja Saga Complete All Hack In Shop V.2 [New]

Ninja Saga Complete All Hack In Shop Ver: 2 [New] Features: 1.  Kill Boss ( Hunting House ) 2.  5 TP Mission ( 50 TP/ Day ) 3.  Complete Daily Task 4.  Recruit Dark NPC + 100 Point all Element 5.  Complete Chunin Exam 6.  Complete Jounin Exam 7.  Achievement Hack 8.  Emblem + 200 Token ( Temporary ) Tools: 1. File Swf Complete All Hack V2: Download Here     Password to Download Is: 2. Fiddler2: You can Download Here 3. Your Browser [Firefox or Crome] Steps: 1. Login to Facebook 2. Open Ninja Saga 3. Open fiddler and Click "Autoresponder tab" (which his lightning green icon) 4. Then tick ​​the box "Enable automatic responses" and also "Permit passthrough for Unmatched request" 5. Drag and Drop Swf into "Column Autoresponder" 6. Clear Cache in your browser. [at beginning of time] 7. Go to Shop and Buy the hack you want How to Delete the cache : * For Mozilla Firefox: Tools ->...

Ninja Saga Hack Atm XP and Gold Delay 9 Second

Ninja Saga Atm XP and Gold Hack Delay 9 Second [New] 7YVY9X7N7YHT Tools: Swf File: Download Here Password to download is: Fiddler2: Download Here Your Browser [ Firefox or Chrome ] Steps: Download and Instal Fiddler Login Facebook Login Ninja Saga Open fiddler and Click "Autoresponder tab" (which his lightning green icon) Then tick ​​the box "Enable automatic responses" and also "Permit passthrough for Unmatched request" Drag and Drop Swf into "Column Autoresponder" Clear Cache in your browser. [at beginning of time] Go to shop, After you enter the Shop, there will be code. Remove two marks in the keyword box (remove from the back) Enjoy with the hack How to Delete the cache : * For Mozilla Firefox: Tools -> Options -> Advanced -> Choose Network Tab -> Clear Now -> Click OK * For Google Chrome -> Select the icon in the upper right corner (next to the stars) -...

Ninja Saga Gashapon Hack [New]

Ninja Saga Gashapon Hack With Charles. Get as you want gashapon items. Tools: Charles Proxy: DOWNLOAD Download Gashapon  List Item and Skill Password download is: Steps: Download and Instal Charles [For those who do not have the Charles] Open Charles Proxy Login to Facebook Open Ninja Saga In Charles, Breakpoint for " " For the next step please see the video below so easy to understand. Do not forget to download also List Item and Skill Creation of:

Ninja Saga Hack Kari Badge

Requirements Charles Proxy, Download HERE Your Browser Directions on how to use Charles to Ged Kari Badge: Open ninja saga Open charles Open hunting house You can see you can claim your kari badges Click breakpoint Then claim the kari badges Charles will open automally Click execute one time Click edit response and Amf Change the reward value 1-999 only Click execute NOTE: These Kari Badge Hack  are not permanent, this Hack is used just for fun.

AdsenseCAMP PPC Paling Mudah dan Sudah Terbukti Membayar

Sedikit Ulasan tentang Program PPC/Pay Per Click. Sebenarnya apa yang dimaksud dengan PPC atau "Pay Per Click". PPC (Pay Per Click) adalah "Suatu program bisnis internet yang memberi kesempatan kepada para pemilik Web/ Blog yang ingin mendapatkan passive income dari program PPC. Sedang PPC sendiri berasal dari Situs-situs penyedia jasa PPC. Situs Penyedia Jasa PPC  Bisa digambarkan sebagai Distributor dunia maya dan kita para pemilik blog/web penerbit iklan dari Situs Penyedia Jasa PPC   atau " Publisher " adalah Sales Marketing dari sang Distirbutor. Banyak keuntungan bagi para Publisher, di antaranya kita bisa mendapatkan imbalan uang pada setiap iklan yang di klik, besarnya Rp 300 per uniq klik untuk Adsense CAMP Tentunya anda tau apa itu Distirbutor. Distributor sendiri mendapatkan mendapatkan barang dagangan dari Produsen untuk dijual kembali, yang dimaksud dengan Produsen disini adalah Para pemasang Iklan/Advertiser. Klik Untuk Daftar Adsense...

Ninja Saga Hack 1 Hit Kill Boss Easter Event 2012 With Fiddler

Ninja Saga Hack 1 Hit Kill Boss Easter Event With Fiddler. Fungsi Hack ini adalah membuat Attributes Point kita meningkat sampai +99999 Point, jika kita menambahkan Arttributes Point kita pada Earth maka HP kita kan menjadi 3.003.230. Jika anda menambah Arttributes Point ke Fire atau Api maka Boss akan mati dalam satu serangan menggunakan jurus, jika kita menambahkan Arttributes Point ke Thunder atau Petir maka Boss akan mati dalam satu serangan menggunakan senjata atau jurus. Demi keamanan, saya sarankan tambahkan juga Attributes Point ke Earth atau Tanah. Note: Jangan menambahkan Attributes Point ke Wind atau Angin, jika anda nekat resiko tanggung penumapang .. :- D Alat: 1. Swf File : Click disini Untuk Download     Password untuk Download adalah: 2. Fiddler2 :  Click disini Untuk Download 3. Browser anda, pokoknya browser yang support dengan Fiddler Caranya: 1. Download dan Instal Fiddler terlebih dahulu ...

Ninja Saga Easter Event 2012 Hack: Make all the bosses into level 1

Ninja Saga Easter Event 2012 Hack: Make all the bosses into level 1 With Fiddler This Hack reduce all level boss ( All Boss Level 1 ) New Update Easter Event 2012. With this hack you can easily to complete the Easter Mission to get All Rewards. Tools: 1. Swf file Easter Egg 2012 + All Boss: Click Here To Download     Password to Download: 2. Fiddler2: Click Here To Download 3. Your Browser. Steps : 1. Download and Instal Fiddler 2. Login Facebook 3. Open Ninja Saga 4. Open Fiddler then Click the "Tab autoresponder" ( which his lightning green icon ) 5. Tick ​​the box "Enable automatic responses" and also "Permit passthrough for Unmatched request" 6. Drag and Drop Swf Easter Egg 2012 + All Boss into "Column Autoresponder" 7. Clear Cache in your browser. [ at beginning of time ] 8. After Clear Chace, go directly to Hunting House or Reload Ninja Saga then Go To Hunting House. 9. Kill all the Bosse...

Ninja Saga Cheat 1 Hit Kill Egg Hunting Bosses [April 2012]

Ninja Saga Cheat 1 Hit Kill Egg Hunting Bosses. Ninja Saga Event Kari Gumi VS Egg Hunting Bosses April 2012.   Alat yang digunakan : 1. Cheat Engine : KILK untuk Download Cheat Engine 2. Browser anda. Caranya : 1. Download dan Instal Cheat Engine [bagi yang belum punya] 2. Masuk Ninja Saga, hanya sampai karakter saja [jangan di Play] 3. Buka Cheat Engine 4. Dalam Cheat Engine, Pilih proses to Open [yang bergambar komputer] pilih simbul sesuai dengan browser anda. 5. Kemudian klik "Hax" kemudian masukan kode ini: [ 62 04 D3 24 64 A3 A2 ] kemudian klik First Scan 6. Setelah di First Scan akan muncul 1-2 address, klik address tersebut. 7. Ubah Value dari [ 62 04 D3 24 64 A3 A2 ] menjadi [ 62 04 D3 24 64 A2 A2 ] 8. Selelah Value di Cheat Engine di ubah, baru anda pilih karakter dan mainkan. 9. Pilih musuh yang ada 10. Serang Boss menggunakan Jurus..DONE

Ninja Saga Hack All In Shop Including Emblem + Token Hack

Contens of this Hack is: 1. 50 Tp per Day - "Permanent" 2. Instant Daily Task- "Permanent" 3. Ten Tale Jinchurichi Mod A.K.A God Mod: I know NS made the new bosses weak and all but defeating them everyday with fare means is a waste of time. Thats why I have added the new God Mod feature so you can defeat them with 1 HIT KO. 4. Emblem and 2000 Token "Not Permanent" The Tools Used : 1. Swf File : Download Here     Password to Download: 2. Fiddler2 : Download Here 3. Firefox or Google Crome The Steps that must be done : 1. Download and Instal Fiddler2. 2. Login Facebook. 3. Open Fiddler then Click the "Tab autoresponder" (which his lightning green icon) 4. Tick ​​the box "Enable automatic responses" and also "Permit passthrough for Unmatched request" 5. Drag and Drop Swf  into "Column Autoresponder" 6. Clear Cache in your browser. [at beginning of time] 7. Reload Ninja Sag...

Ninja Saga Clan Battle Energy Hack

Ninja Saga Clan Battle Unlimited Energy Hack Tools : 1. Charles Proxy : Download Charles 2. Borwser Steps : 1.   Open Charles 2.   Open Ninja  Saga 3.   Select your character and play       (This time you dont have to put the check for breakpoint yet..) 4.   Go to your clan 5.   Here now you will put the check for breakpoint.. breakpoint the 6.   Go to BATTLE 7.   The browser will freeze.. and the breakpoint panel will appear again in charles... 8.   Now execute 1 Time(Once) 9.   Click EDIT RESPONSE , AMF then scroll down look for the stamina option... put the max value..       Example: 20/100 so change your stamina to 100 to make the 20 (100) 10. REMOVE the check for BREAKPOINT then execute..       (THIS STAMINA HACK NEED TO USE REPEATEDLY IF YOUR STAMINA WENT OUT TO 25 below..) AGAIN THIS IS A HACK THAT WAS UNDETECTABLE, A HACK THAT CANT ABLE...

Marvel Avengers Alliance 1 Hit Kill Hack - With Cheat Engine

Marvel Avengers Alliance 1 Hit Kill Hack Tools : 1. Cheat Engine : DOWNLOAD HERE 2. Mozilla Firefox The Steps as below : 1. First install the Cheat Engine 2. Login to facebook and play Marvel Avengers Alliance 3. Scan the initial villain HP; ( set 4-Bytes on cheat engine). 4. Hit the villains, specifically someone with an ALL ENEMIES attack.     IRONMAN or HAWKEYE 5. If the HP is the same for all enemies after the hit then scan the new HP and press NEW SCAN. 6. If your villain HP is different from each other like above,     Goto scan type and press DECREASED VALUE. Hit NEW SCAN. 7. If you do it the DECREASED VALUE way, then you're going to have to spot the values by eye.     Make sure you double click the correct values out of the list.     3 addresses per HP bar. 8. Hit the enemy for 1 Hit Kill Note :   Basically scan the Boss or opponents life source (4Byte...

Marvel Avengers Alliance Energy Hack With Cheat Engine

To follow the ways below , you need Cheat Engine. If you do not have Cheat Engine, so please download Cheat Engine in here : Click this Link To Download The Steps to get free Marvel Avengers Alliance Energy : 1. Instal Cheat Engine, Click Here to find tutorial Installation Cheat Engine 2. Log into Marvel Avengers Alliance and Open Cheat Engine 3. Find Process :     [ Google Chrome - Below runddl32.exe Select It ]     [ Mozilla Firefox - plugin-container.exe Select It ] 4. First Scan Your Current Energy And Go Back To Marvel : Avengers Alliance And Then Fight 5. After The One Match , Next Scan Your New Current Energy 6. Select All The Address And Click The Red Arrow Button 7. Change The Value To 50 Or 60 Then Freeze It.