
Showing posts from March, 2013

Social Empires Hack Unit Space Savage Dragon Rider

Cheat Social Empires Unit terbaru, cheat unit Space Savage Dragon Rider. Cheat ini berfungsi untuk mendapatkan unit Space Savage Dragon Rider secara gratis tanpa perlu mengeluarkan cash. Alat yang digunakan untuk Cheat Unit Space Savage Dragon Rider : Cheat Engine 6.1 atau versi diatasnya : Free Download Cheat Engine Browser anda Steps Cheat Unit Space Savage Dragon Rider : Buka facebook anda Buka Social Empires Buka Cheat Emgine, pilih "process to open" pilih "FlashPlayerPlugin" untuk firefox Ganti value type ke "Array of byte" Scan kode ini : 00 31 33 39 38 00 00 00 00 00 (Elf Archer Barrack) Turunkan hasil yang didapat dan ganti dengan : 00 32 32 36 31 00 00 00 00 00 (space savage dragon rider) Untuk lebih jelasnya lihat video bawah ini : NOTE : Untuk memasang unit space savage dragon rider diperlukan 20 cash gunakan Social Empires Cheat Cash Terbaru 2013 atau Cheat Social Empires Cash With Cheat Engine (100% work) kedua chea...

Ninja Saga Hack Easter (Defend the Village) with Fiddler

This is Cheat Easter 2013 (Defend the Village!) Battle Hack. Short your way to battle, just a few minute to drain your energy. this hack update on March 30th 2013, sorry too late. Let's make it  easy ! Tools required : Swf file : Download Swf file in Ziddu Fiddler 2 : Free Download Fidller 2 Your browser Steps: Download File Extrach rar >> set the Password Open Fiddler 2 >> Select AutoResponder tab (icon lightning) Tick:   ✓  Enable Automatic Responses           ✓  Unmatched request passthrought Drag swf file to Auto responder table Open your browser >> Must  Clear Chache Login to Ninja Saga >> Go to  Shop Select then Buy the hack, Happy Cheating !

Social Wars Cheat Unit Hammerhead Hack 100% Work

Cheat ini berfungsi untuk mendapatkan unit Hammerhead tanpa menggunakan cash alias gratis. Saya juga mempunyai cheat unit rare lainnya, seperti Social Wars Hack Unit HAVOC atau Social Wars Cheats Unit BushWacker serta Social Wars Cheat Unit VORTEX MECH . Alat yang dibutuhkan untuk Cheat Unit Hammerhead : Cheat Engine (saya rekomendasikan untuk menggunakan Cheat Engine 6.1 atau atau versi diatasnya) Browser anda (telah saya tes menggunakan mozilla firefox) Steps Untuk Cheat Unit Hammerhead : Buka Social Wars Buka Cheat Engine Pilih proses to open (FlashPlayerPlugin untuk Firefox, Crhome.exe untuk Google Chrome) Ganti Value type ke Array of byte Klik pada Academy 1, kemudian klik simpan atau klik storge Kembali ke CE, scan kode ini : 31 30 30 37 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 Turunkan semua kode yang di dapat dan ganti kode value dengan kode ini : 31 33 36 34 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 (Kode Unit Hammerhead) 31 33 36 35 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 (Kode Unit Hammerhead Drone) ...

Social Empires Cheat Cash Terbaru 2013

Cheat Social Empires Cash terbaru 2013 work 100%. tingkatkan cash anda dengan cheat ini. Sebelumnya Saya juga pernah share cheat tentang Social Empires Cash lama tapi masih work smpai sekarang, sekarang saya tambah kolesi cheat Social Empires Cash anda. Alat yang diperlukan untuk Social empires Cash 2013 : Cheat Engine 6.1 atau 6.2 atau versi diatasnya Browser anda (tested di firefox) Steps untuk Social Empires Cash 2013 : Buka Social Empires anda Buka Cheat Engine, value type diganti menjadi "string" Scan "wood" Turunkan semua address yang ditemukan. Ganti value menjadi "cash" Untuk langkah selanjutnya bisa anda lihat dalam video bawah ini : NOTE : Cash yang didapat tidaklah permanent, tapi unit, bangunan, atau dekorasi atau apapun yang anda beli dengan cash adalah permanent. SHARE CHEAT INI MELALUI FACEBOOK SHARE / TWITTER BAWAH INI :

Social Empires Cheat to get Savage Dragon for Free

Social Empires Cheat to get Savage Dragon for Free and 100% work : Cheat ini berfungsi untuk mendapatkan Savage Dragon  secara gratis. Kita tidak perlu membeli cash dengan credit facebook untuk mendapatkan Savage Dragon, cukup dengan 6 gold dan 12 daging serta waktu 195 detik kita bisa mendapatkan Savage Dragon. Alat yang dibutuhkan untuk mendapatkan Social Empires Savage Dragon: Chaet Engine 6.1 / 6.2 / diatasnya Browser anda Tutorial Social Empires Savage Dragon : Buka Social Empires anda Buka Cheat Engine, pilih prosses to open Kemudin value type dirubah menjadi "Array of byte" terus scan kode dibawah ini 00 32 30 33 35 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00--->kode bngunan (Burning Tiger) atau 00 32 31 30 39 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 ----> kode bangunn (Lizard Gladiator) pilih salah satu Turunkan kebawah dan rubah kodenya menjdi: 00 32 32 34 31 00 00 00 00 Unutuk langkah selnjutnya bisa anda lihat dalm video dibawah ini : NOTE : Anda harus mempu...

Cheat Social Wars Vortex Mech Unit (Work, Permanent)

Cheat Social Wars Vortex Mech Unit : Cheat ini berfungsi untuk mendapatkan unit Vortex Mech secara gratis tanpa perlu membeli cash dengan credits facebook. Unit Vortex Mech sebenarnya hanya bisa didapat dengan membeli cash melalui facebook credits. Cheat ini 100% work dan unit Vortex Mech yang didapat juga Permanent. Alat yang diperlukan : Cheat Engine (saya rekomendasikan untuk menggunakan Cheat Engine 6.1 atau atau versi diatasnya) Browser anda (telah saya tes menggunakan mozilla firefox) Untuk langkah kerja sebenarnya sama seperti di Cheat untuk mendapatkan unit Hovac , bedanya cuma di kode terakhir: Buka Facebook anda buka aplikasi game facebook Social Wars Buka Cheat Engine Pilih proses to open (FlashPlayerPlugin untuk Firefox, Crhome.exe untuk Google Chrome) Ganti Value type ke Array of byte Kemudian Scan Kode ini : 31 30 30 37 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 Ganti dengan kode ini : 31 30 30 40 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 (jangan di delete) Lalu beli...

Wild Ones Trick-How to unbanned your Wild Ones

Wild Ones Trick-How to unbanned your Wild Ones. This time I will share how to unbanned wild ones game. For the equipment needed and the steps you can see below: Requirements: 1. Hot spot Shield 2. Cheat Engine or any speed hacking programs 3. T-search 4. Banned Wild ones account Steps: 1. Log-in with your wild ones account and open CE 2. Target process chrome.exe or plugin-container.exe or anything 3. Before it fully loads change speed hack to 0 4. Then open tsearch 5. Again target browser the click on hex edito 6. Click A to B icon 7.Click Ascii and type on find what:criticalError then Replace with: login the click replace all! It will say xx currencies replaced e.g 26 currencies replaced 8. After that change to normal speehack in cheat engine 9. After the ban will not come out but this is not the real click on get treats button in wild ones 10. Then Connect HotSpot Shield 11. After connecting click earn treats and then many offers will come up 12. Clic...

Armies of Magic Hack Unfinite Green Minerals

Cheat Armies of Magic Hack Unfinite Green Minerals : this hack give you infinite green minerals so you can build infinite number of units. Armies of Magic Hack Unfinite Green Minerals needs : Cheat Engine your browser Armies of Magic Hack Unfinite Green Minerals Steps : 1) go in game 2) start cheat engine 3) select process Flashplayer plugin in select a process to open in mozilla firefox 4) change the value from double 5) enter into the battle and click pause 6) first scan number of green minerals you have examply "70" 7) UNPAUSE the game and send a miner out ( 10 minerals ) 8) PAUSE again and and next scan "60" 9) only 2 address left . choose both address and click on red arrow 10) right click the 2 address and choose " find out what accesses these addresses 11) back to game UNPAUSE and select a soldier to combat 12) find the line " movq [esi+68],xmm0 " and click on "show dissabler " 13) click tools 14) click auto as...

Social Wars Hack Free HAVOC Unit 100% Work

Social Wars Hack Free HAVOC Unit, hack ini berfungsi agar kita dapat memperoleh unit rare seperti unit Hovac secara gratis. hack ini menggunakan Cheat Engine dan langkah pengerjaan nya pun cukup mudah. Alat yang dibutuhkan untuk menjalankan Social Wars Hack Free HAVOC Unit : Cheat Engine (versi bebas, kalau saya menggunakan CE v6.2) | free download cheat engine 6.1 Browser anda, Tested dalam Mozilla Firefox Langkah-langkah pengerjaan Social Wars Hack Free HAVOC Unit : Buka Facebook anda buka aplikasi game facebook Social Wars Buka Cheat Engine Pilih proses to open (FlashPlayerPlugin untuk Firefox, Crhome.exe untuk Google Chrome) Ganti Value type ke Array of byte Kemudian Scan Kode ini : 31 30 30 37 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 Ganti dengan kode ini : 31 30 30 40 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 (jangan di delete) Lalu beli dekorasi bunga dengan harga 30 wood! Seteah itu anda visit ke neighbor anda (anda harus cepat klik visit) Kemudian dalam CE kode value di...

Magic Land Cheat Diamond and Energy Hack

Magic Land Cheat Diamond and Energy Hack , hack ini berfungsi untuk menambah diamond atau berlian anda tanpa harus membeli alias gratis, serta mengembalikan energy secara utuh. Hack ini menggunakan Cheat Engine untuk versi CE nya bebas. Alat yang digunakan untuk menjalankan Magic Land Cheat Diamond and Energy : Cheat Engine (versi bebas, kalau saya meggunakan Cheat Engine 6.2) Browser anda. (kalau saya menggunakan Firefox dan berhasil) Langkah untuk mengerjakan Magic Land Cheat Diamond and Energy hack : Buka Facebook anda buka aplikasi game Magic Land Buka Cheat Engine dalam CE pilih process to open (FlashPlayerPlugin ini untuk firefox dan chrome.exe untuk chrome) Value type tetep 4 byte, untuk hex jangan di centang Scan Xp anda, jika sudah ketemu addressnya tambah xp anda dengan mengklik rumah atau memotong kayu setelah xp anda bertambah, klik new scan Untuk tutorial selengkapnya bisa anda lihat dalam video youtube berikut ini : Unutk kode 9 hanya 5 digit cnt...

Baseball Heroes Cheat: Max Combos and Random Skills Hack

Baseball Heroes Cheat : Max Combos and Random Skills Hack (Update 21 march 2013). This BaseBall Heroes Hack can help you to get max Combos and random skills. The following tools are needed and the steps to run this a hack (Baseball Heroes Cheat: Max Combos and Random Skills Hack). Baseball Heroes Cheat: Max Combos and Random Skills Hack Update 21 march 2013 Features : Combo Booster Random Skill Hit Sec Bypass (New) No Absorb Combo (New) Baseball Heroes Cheat: Max Combos and Random Skills Hack Tools : Cheat Engine : Download Cheat Engine File Baseball Heroes Cheat: Max Combos and Random Skills Hack : Download File CE Firefox or Google Chrome Baseball Heroes Cheat: Max Combos and Random Skills Hack Steps : Go to Baseball Heroes game page Start Cheat Engine Select -plugin_container.exe(firefox) or 2nd FlashPlayerPlugin_11.exe Google Chrome: Is generally the last one Open up and select the file that you have just download from this BaseBall Heroes Hack Combo a...

Cheat Marketland Level Up, Coin, Cash New Update

TORI InfoGame kembali dengan Cheat, Hack terbaru dan tentunya 100% work lagi.  Cheat Marketland Instant level Up, Coins, Cash Update maret 2013 dan 100% work . Cheat ini menggunakan Cheat Engine, boleh Cheat engine 6.1 atau 6.2 atau versi terbaru. Alat yang dibutuhkan : Cheat Engine 6.1 atau 6.2 atau terbaru (Terserah Anda) | free download CE 6.1 | Browser (saya uji menggunakan Mozilla Firefox) Langkah-langkah pengerjaannya : Buka Facebook Buka game Marketland Buka Cheat Engine Dalam Cheat Engine Pilih proses "FlashPlayerPlugin" untuk mozilla, untuk chrome cari sendiri ya gan.. Ganti Value type ke "double" Scan kode 5.0 Turunkan semua address berkode angka 5 dan ganti dengan kode 99999999 max : 8 digit Untuk langkah selanjutnya bisa anda lihat dalam video dibawah ini : NOTE : Tarik semua address yang berkode angka 5 yang anda temukan..hanya address angka 5, yang lainnya tidak usah di gubris dan disentuh.. ok. Sekian artikel mengenai Cheat M...

Cheat Social Wars Unit Cash 100% Work

TORI InfoGame kembali dengan Info Cheat Social Wars 100% work. Cheat Social Wars Unit Cash 100% Work , Cheat ini berfungsi untuk membeli unit yang didapat dengan Cash, bangunan yang dibeli dengan Cash atau memperluas wilayah dengan Cash..Pokoknya apa saja yang beraroma Cash atau komersil. Alat yang digunakan untuk menjalankan : Cheat Engine 6.1 atau 6.2 ( free download cheat engine 6.1 ) Browser anda (saya menggunakan Mozilla Firefox) Langkah-langkah pengerjaan : Masuk akun Facebook anda Buka game Social Wars Jalankan Cheat Engine Dalam Cheat Engine pilih process to open dan pilih (FlashPlayerPlugin) untuk Mozilla firefox atau (Chrome.exe) untuk google chrome Masih di CE, ganti value type ke Array of byte Kemudian scan kode berikut : 67 6F 6C 64 Tarik kebawah semua address yang didapat dan ganti dengan kode ini : 63 61 73 68 Untuk langkah selanjutnya, silahkan lihat video dibawah ini : NOTE : Cheat ini hanya bisa digunakan untuk membeli barang satu (1) kali ji...

8 Ball Pool Hack Cue and Table 100% work

8 Ball Pool Hack Cue and Table . With this hack you can buy all the cue and table with a price of 0. This hack 100% working (I've tested it) and steps process is also very easy. This hack using cheat engine, so you must have cheat engine if you do not have it you can download here . Game 8 Ball Pool on Facebook . 8 Ball Pool is billiards game on facebook a lot of users.. Play billiards eight ball 8 ball pool, with other players online. You have to put all the balls and finally the ball number 8. There are several levels of players, as you gain experience your level will increase. 8 Ball Pool Hack Cue and Table tools required : Cheat engine 6.1 or 6.2 (I use Cheat Engine 6.2) Mozilla Firefox or Google Chrome 8 Ball Pool Hack Cue and Table Steps : Open 8 Ball Pool View your cue and table, then back to the main page 8 ball pool. Open Cheat Engine Klick PC Icon And Select (For Mozilla Choose Flashplayerplugin or plugin-container.exe ) (For Google Chrome Choose ...

Pet Society Hack Cash Wig Dyes

Pet Society Hack Cash Wig Dyes Updated March 2013 with Fiddler 2 . Game Pet Society on Facebook . The Mayor welcomes you to Pet Society, a world where Pets from everywhere can come and live together in a virtual space! Begin with creating and customizing your own Pet. Dress up your Pet, start a trend by donning some of the lovely clothes and accessories that are available in the shops of Pets Town! Pet Society Hack Cash Wig Dyes needs : Fiddler 2 : free download fiddler 2 swf File : download swf Your Browser Pet Society Hack Cash Wig Dyes Steps : Download Database or swf file from the links above. You will need winRAR (tools section) to extract the .dat files out. To make things easier for you guys, Simple just Click and Drag the downloaded .dat files out into Fiddler's Autoresponder tab. Clear Browser Cache (IMPORTANT or it will not work) Reload Pet Society. If replaced correctly, the lines will be highlighted. Now just visit the DIY Shop and have fun...

Dragon City Cheats Unlimited Farm Hack Update

Dragon City Cheats Unlimited Farm Hack Update March 2013. Get more food with this hack. Food is created by spending in gold, per farm, for the kind and quantity of food you need to grow. In many cases your dragons will produce enough gold to spend for their own food, but when attempting to level a dragon up to a higher level you may discover that the increasing process is not generating sufficient food quick enough for your programs. In such cases you are able to use gems to speed up development or to purchase food from the online game. you need to note the the Gold/ Food ratio get even worse as the gold cost and time will go up! Dragon City Cheats Unlimited Farm Hack Need : Cheat Engine Your Browser Dragon City Cheats Unlimited Farm Hack Steps : Start your Dragon city on fb Open up Cheat Engine 6. Click on ProcessTab and select -plugin_container.exe for Firefox Users : and chrome.exe for google chrome users under rundll32.exe Set Value Type to Array of Bytes Scan 46 4...

Cafeland Cheats Instant Level Up Hack

Cafeland Cheats Instant Level Up Hack. Cafeland is a facebook game that has 1 million monthly users and 1.5 million people like the page. Join the Caféland community and start running your personal café! Create miracles in your dream kitchen and please hundreds of customers! Caféland is a popular and top rated social game developed by Gamegos. Cafeland Cheat Instant Level Up Hack . This hack is useful to improve your level instantly. For tools, steps and video tutorials, you can see below : Cafeland Cheats Instant Level Up Hack Tools : Cheat Engine 6.1 or 6.2 Mozilla Firefox (tested by me) Cafeland Cheats Instant Level Up Hack Steps : Open Cafeland Open Cheat Engine In Cheat Engine select process "FlashPlayerPlugin" Then change Value Type to "Array of byte" First Scan this code : 24 40 00 00 00 00 00 00 F0 3F 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 40 00 00 Then Change Value to : FF 40 00 00 00 00 00 FF FF 40 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 40 00 00 If the above steps are...

Wild Ones Cheat Coins Hack

Wild Ones is one of the most facebook game players. Lots of hack or cheat for this game and one of them is Wild Ones Cheat Coins that I made. The function of this Wild Ones Cheats Coins Hack is to get free To get a lot of coins for free. Previously I also had to share Wild Ones Cheat Weapon dan Item Hack What are you waiting. Add your coins with this hack. For tools and steps, you can see below. Wild Ones Cheat Coins Hack Tools : Cheat Engine Mozilla Firefox (tasted on mozilla) Wild Ones Cheat Coins Hack Steps : Open Wild Ones window Run Cheat Engine On Cheat Engine select process "Plugincontainer.exe" Go in Wild Ones Home On Cheat Engine set 500 on speedhack When collect 30 coins box comes out set speedhack to 0.0 ( Click more time CLAIM button Now set speedhack to 1.0 Switch to Shop and come back to Home and get more Coins Done..

Crush City Cheats Cash-Coins Hack (Permanent)

Crush City Cheats Cash and Coins Hack (Permanent Hack).  This Hack teaches us how to get lots ofCash and Coins in a short time. Crush City On Facebook. Match-3 as it has never been done. You are the last hope of humanity. Use your match-3 skills to rebuild the cities destroyed by the disaster. Avoid the blocks, collect power-ups and fuel and survive long enough to be able to realize your plans. Crush City gives you the opportunity to be a hero playing a game of match-3 high-speed, always different. Crush City Cheats Cash-Coins Hack Tools : Charles Proxy Your Browser Crush City Cheats Cash-Coins Hack Steps : Open Crush City game page Start Charles Proxy Find and set breackpoints In / crushcity/public/gateway.php breackpoint click on AMF and Edit Response Set on color_bombs_booster_coins -999999 value Set on radius_bombs_booster_coins -99999 value Set on time_booster_coins -99999 value Set on star_bombs_booster_coi...

Marketland Cheat Level Up and Coins Hack

Marketland Cheat Level Up and Coins Hack. If before I share Hack about Marketland Cash so this time I will share Hack Marketland Level Up and Coins. By using this Hack you will easily raise your level and you can get a lot of coins. Contents of Marketland Cheat Level Up and Coins Hack : Marketland Hack Level Up Marketland Hack Extra Coins Code for "Nivel" Code for "Blue Card Unlimited" The tools used : Cheat Engine 6.2 Your Browser Marketland Hack Level Up Steps : Start CheatEngine Select Flashplayerplugin process Change the Value Type to Array of byte . Scan this 66 C1 2A 66 E9 22 5D 15 D3 46 15 01 A1 61 E9 22 Right click the address that pops up in the box and select Change value of selected address. Now modify the value to this: 66 C1 2A 66 E9 22 25 80 01 24 00 A2 A1 61 E9 22 This will freeze the number of shopper cards the blue cards you have, so you will have an infinite supply of them that you will hand out to your clients. Scan this:...

Social Wars Cheats BushWacker Unit Hack

Social Wars : Build your city and train your soldiers to face the threat of the outer space invaders! Be the leader of the human race at this crucial moment. Social Wars is a game facebook that has 5 million monthly active users and more than 680 thousand people like the page Social Wars app. Social Wars Hack BushWacker with this cheat you can get the Bushwacker unit for free. Complete your collection with Bushwacker forces unit. If you wont Social Wars Hack Cash and Coin a look here Social Wars Cheats Cash and Coins Hack . Social Wars Cheat BushWacker Unit Hack Tools : Cheat Engine : Click to Free Dowload Cheat Engine Your Browser Social Wars Cheats BushWacker Unit Hack Steps : Start Cheatengine and Social Wars page Adjust 4 Byte to Array of Byte Purchase Academy 1 and store it (if you have one simply store it) Scan this: 31 30 30 37 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 Change to : 31 30 30 40 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 (do not delete) Then purchase a flo...

Dragon Nest Cheat G-Cash Hack

Dragon Nest Cheat G-Cash Hack, Cheat ini mampu Megenerate kode G-Cash dan di gunakan pada ID DN kamu, program ini 100% aman karena tidak meminta sub password atau password 2nd anda, jadi tidak akan ada tindakan hacking sama sekali :) Beberapa hal yang perlu diperhatikan jika anda menggunakan Cheat Dragon Nest G-Cash Hack : Program ini hanya berlaku 1 hari setelah di inject pada DN kamu ID yang sudah mendapatkan Kode G-Cash Dari Program ini Tidak bisa menggunakan nya untuk ke 2kali. Kode akan Expired Setelah 5 Menit tidak di input ke ID kamu Kode ini random, jadi isi G-Cash Bermacam-macam Download G-Cash Free hack Voucher Dragon Nest New Release Maret 2013 Download Here Pass : chakyaulia Untuk cara kerja Cheat Dragon Nest G-Cash Hack : Buka file Generate G-Cash - Free Hack Voucher Tool.exe Masukan ID dragonest anda untuk menverifikasi, (ingat disini program tidak memintan sub password/password 2nd) Jika Login Sukses Kode G-Cash akan muncul, Copas kode tersebut. ...

Ninja Saga Cheat Instant Mission Hack Update March 2013

Ninja Saga Cheat Instant Mission Hack . If you want your ninja character level up quickly or just leveling your pet...use this Ninja Saga Cheat Instant Mission Hack . You simply enter mission grade A or B level 20-78 and then click on the mission you'll complete the mission instantly. This hack using fiddler. Tools : Fiddler 2 : Click Here To Free Download Fddler 2 Swf File : Click Here To Free Download swf File Your Browser (Firefox or Chrome) How this hack work: Download and Instal Fiddler Download Swf File Login to app Ninja Saga (but do not go in to the mission grade A or B level 20-78 first) Open Fiddler 2 >> Select AutoResponder tab (icon lightning) Tick: ✓ Enable Automatic Responses ✓ Unmatched request passthrought Drag swf file to Auto responder table. Clear Chache Go to mission grade A or B level 20-78 and execute the mission that you like, then the mission will be instantly completed. Happy Cheating !

Social Wars Hack Cash and Coins

Social Wars Hack Cash-Coins. Work best on Google Chrome Tools : Cheat Engine Google Chrome Steps : Open Cheat Engine and Social Wars In CE change 4 byte to Arry of Bytes Scan this code 67 6F 6C 64 Select all Change to 63 61 73 68 See tutorials in Video:

8 Ball Pool Hack Line-Update March 2013

8 Ball Pool. Play billiards eight ball 8 ball pool, with other players online . You have to put all the balls and finally the ball number 8. There are several levels of players, as you gain experience your level will increase. 8 Ball Pool Hack Line is functioning to make a line in the billiard table so his ball always entered. 8 Ball Pool Hack Line requires a software cheat engine. 8 Ball Pool Hack Line Tools : Cheat Engine : Download Cheat-Engine-6.1. Your browser (firefox or google chrome) 8 Ball Pool Hack Line Steps : Open Cheat Engine Open Facebook and go to 8 Ball Pool Open Process (Mozilla=plugin-container.exe | Google Chrome=chrome.exe) or perhaps FlashPlayer. Change  4 Byte to Array of Byte Scan and replace code below : GuideLineLength 24 0A 2A D2 A2 A0 A2 A0 24 0A A1 to 24 0a 2a d2 a2 a0 a2 a0 24 0a a2 GuideLineSize 00 00 60 d3 44 24 02 60 to 00 00 60 d3 44 24 10 60 N0TE : Scan & Replace the code in the Game Lobb...

Wild Ones Cheat Weapon and Item Hack

Wild Ones is one of the most facebook game players. Lots of hack or cheat for this game and one of them is Wild Ones Cheat Weapon and Item Hack that I made. The function of this Wild Ones Cheat Weapon and Item Hack is to get free Weapons, Accessories, Snacks or Pets. Wild Ones Cheat Weapon and Item Hack is a best way of getting infinite weapons and items in Wild Ones online game. For tools, along with a video tutorial steps you can see below : Wild Ones Cheat Weapon and Item Hack Tools : Tamper Data (Firefox add-ons) Use only Firefox Wild Ones Cheat Weapon and Item Hack Steps : Open Facebook Log in Wild Ones game Start TamperData Go in Send Gift tab Select one friend and click first Send Request Go in TamperData window and click Start Tamper Now Click Send Request button TamperData show up a new popup If in popup text is present remove continue tampering and click Tamper button Copy __user value and paste in “ to...

Diamond Dash Cheat Instant Level Up

With Diamond Dash Cheat Instant Level Up you can raise your level very quickly, besides that it also can increase the gold and also increase some skills. Little review of the game Diamond Dash Diamond Dash will present a game like social games, which you can find on facebook . The aim will be to remove the colored blocks that you will be joining them in front of groups of three or more blocks by simply clicking on them. Like most of the games that are important in social networks, Diamond Dash will limit a lot of the different sessions of the game, in fact, each lasting about sixty seconds, after which you will pass to the next round, or youll end up playing. Diamond Dash Cheat Instant Level Up Tools : Charles Proxy Your Browser Diamond Dash Cheat Instant Level Up Steps : Go in Facebook Dimond Dash and load the game Start Charles Proxy Click Play on Diamond Dash and record any Score Go to Charles Proxy and Click + on and

Jerman Larang Penjualan XBOX 360!

Jerman Larang Penjualan XBOX 360!. Persaingan antra perusahaan-perusahaan besar yang berkecimpung di pangsa pasar yang sama memang seringkali berakhir “mengenaskan”. Beragam cara dilakukan untuk memaksa sang kompetitor untuk keluar dari para calon konsumen yang tentu saja identik dengan pemasukan, bahkan menggunakan cara-cara lain selain menghadirkan produk yang berkualitas. Alternatif strategi yang paling mumpuni dan efektif? Dengan meluncurkan gugatan hukum legal atas dasar “pencurian” dan “penggunaan hak paten teknologi tanpa izin”, seperti yang dialami oleh Microsoft saat ini. Setelah melalui proses pengadilan yang alot, Jerman akhirnya secara resmi melarang Microsoft untuk menjual konsol andalan mereka – XBOX 360 di negara tersebut. Alasannya? Karena Microsoft dianggap telah menggunakan hak paten perusahaan lain secara ilegal. Adalah Motorola yang mengajukan tuntutan tersebut atas hak paten piranti lunak kompresi video mereka, yang menurutnya, telah disalahkangunakan oleh Micro...

Galaxy Life Free 10 M Coins, 10 M Minerals and 15 Chips

Get free for Galaxy Life 10 M Coins, 10 M  Minerals and 15 Chips.  with everyone to get many in return! No registration required. Free and Simple. Amazing worlds, unusual and incredible heroes; task friends and find out buddies in Galaxy Life! Cause your Starling group to achievement in the wackiest area strategy activity yet. Your small people may be cute and exciting, but when it can come down to metal tacks they do not mess around. Diplomacy is awesome but battles get you the booty! By clicking the links below, you will get Galaxy Life 10 M Coins, 10 M  Minerals and 15 Chips for free : Free 10 M Coins Free 10 M Minerals Free 15 Chips Gameplay in Galaxy Life moves all over the gamer performing as a guard for a band of small, lovely creatures known as Starlings right after their world was destroyed. Projects the gamer must take on consist of developing up a base and its resistance; protecting against attacks from competing gamers and attack...

Edgeworld Hack Recources and Level

Whit Edgeworld Hack Recources and Level you can improve the quality and strength of your soldiers to infinity. I also include a list of the latest code to increase the strength of your soldiers. I describe it to you in very brief and easy actions, how to improve the lifestyle and the rate of your soldiers. So that indicates your soldiers get unlimited lifestyle and they shift quicker. Thus you can gently and easily in PvE sources of farming and improve the stage. Edgeworld Hack Recources and Level Tools : HxD Editor Edgeworld Hack Recources and Level Steps : Log into the Edgeworld on Facebook , Google +, etc. Now start the program HxD Editor Now you go to Ram see the pictures below Then just like in the picture, open a window and then clicking on the plugin-container.exe Click “Search” in new window. Replace and a new window should open. Not forget to set Data type to “hex values” and adjust search direction “all” or Edgeworld Hxd Hack not works Edgeworld Hxd Hack...

Free Skype Credit Coupon or Voucher

Get your free skype credit coupon . By the way I explain below you will get free skype credit cupon. A little review on skype: With over 480 thousand registered users, Skype is among the preferred software on the Web. Skype provides voice and video over IP services (VoIP). Many use Skypes free services, just like voice and web cam calls between Skype users. Phone clients have found Skype as an economical way to make international calls to any phone number. Skype phone accounts are available on pay as you go or regular monthly plans. With Skype credits, you are able to place calls instantly. The much more credits you have, the longer you will talk. Below is the software needed to get free skype credit coupon: Skype voucher software Download from MAC changer for Windows 8 or 7 or Windows XP Below is steps to get Free Skype Credit Coupon: Go to control panel > clock, Language and Region > Adjust Location to UK Simply click on Administrative Ta...